Hillsboro Elks Car and Motorcycle Show

Join us for the Amazing Hillsboro Elks Car and Motorcycle Show on July 19th, 2025

Pre-register for a discount on the entry fee, and to reserve your T-Shirt!

Show Rules

  • Registration is open from 7:00 to 10:00 AM, you must be in line by 10:00AM.
  • Registration Fee is $20 per Car if pre-registered. $25 at the gate. Two display signs per car is allowed
  • Canopies – Protecting the car’s is paramount. If you have a canopy, please ensure it is adequately weighted. You will be responsible for any damages caused.
  • Parking is first come, first served. Pre-Registered Cars will receive preferred parking, when available. Note: We will try to accommodate special parking request needs if possible. NO Promises.
  • Your signature is authorization for the Hillsboro Elks Lodge 1862 the use of any pictures of your car, truck, or motorcycle for the use of promoting this event. Hillsboro Elks Lodge 1862 will not use or sell any of your personal information outside of notifying you about future events.
  • By registering I/We agree to save and hold harmless the Officers of the Elks Lodge #1862, Elks Car Show committee and its employees/volunteers from any loss of damage to persons and/or property caused by the operation and/or behavior of Members/guest/participants entry in connection with car show activities and further agree to find said person harmless from any claims for such damage.
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