• Veterans Poker Run

  • Other Events to Support Veterans

Elks Programs

Veterans Poker Run

  • Our Signature Event on June 14, 2025
  • Music, Food, Raffles, Highest/Lowest Hand prizes
  • Car and Motorcycle, open to the community
  • To volunteer, contact Teresa Greeno at

Joe Mud Veterans Coffee Connection

Every 2nd Thursday and 4th Saturday of each month, from 9-10am. We welcome all Veterans and Active Duty Military. You do not need to be an Elk member to come. Connect to share stories and discover what your community has to offer. A great opportunity to make new friends and strengthen bonds with those that truly understand your experiences. All branches and all eras welcome!

Supporting Our Veterans Through the Lodge’s Welcome Home Program

We are thrilled to share that since the launch of our Lodge’s Welcome Home Program in mid-2024, we’ve been able to assist 24 veterans in our community as they settle into new homes. Through our Welcome Home Kits, each veteran receives essential supplies, including kitchen items, bedding, cleaning products, and more—everything needed to make their new space feel like home.
This effort is made possible thanks to our wonderful community partners, who share our dedication to supporting those who have served. Rebekah and Terry are two of the most recent veterans we’ve had the privilege to assist, and we look forward to helping many more in the months to come.
Thank you to everyone who supports our veterans!